
Hans Buch AS

Hans Buch A/S ia an amalgamation of the two companies AEG Industri A/S and Hans Buch+Co. A/S. From 01.01.2001 to 31.07.2003 the company name was Geveke Teknik A/S The business areas in Hans Buch A/S are the same as the former business areas of the two companies, i.e. electronics, instrumentation, electro technical and mechanical equipment, which we market, sell and service as components as well as solutions to the industry. Hans Buch A/S has almost 100 employees. Hans Buch A/S is owned by Fritz Schur Technical Group. The Fritz Schur Technical Group have neerly 200 employees.

双江| 墨江| 马山县| 无锡市| 白银市| 藁城市| 九江市| 金塔县| 连山| 刚察县| 比如县| 通江县| 清流县| 临江市| 观塘区| 龙州县| 渑池县| 呼和浩特市| 九台市| 淳化县| 将乐县| 简阳市| 岫岩| 淮阳县| 扶风县| 娱乐| 朝阳市| 盖州市| 日照市| 电白县| 垫江县| 灵川县| 商河县| 延津县| 奉贤区| 柏乡县| 库车县| 齐河县| 霍州市| 水富县| 奉贤区|