
Ammos Software Technologies Pvt Ltd

Based in Bangalore, Ammos Software Technologies Pvt Ltd is a premier technology solutions and services company that enables effective technology driven solutions for businesses in the embedded and semiconductor segment. Ammos intend to become the No.1 technology implementation company. From the time of our inception, our focus has and will always be on building a great team which can take up the challenges of assisting our customers with high technology design scenarios and successfully help them build great products. Our two pronged revenue model allows us the flexibility of investing in acquiring exceptional talent and retain the same. We continuously strive to achieve the global standards in turnkey solutions, and at the same time partner with leading design solution providers in bringing their technology and products to our customers. Ammos India is dedicated to providing innovative Design solutions across all spheres of product design and development. We are committed to providing customers with the optimal value quickest time to market services. The company continually explores and remains knowledgeable in the latest methodology and technologies available.

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