
Contrans TI ltd.

CONTRANS TI was established on the Polish market in 1992. Starting as a distributor of very wide range of electronic components, within time our company focused on introducing to its offer the newest generation of elements and electronic parts manufactured by companies, which use only high technology in their production process. Active promotion of Texas Instruments' TSS400 processors resulted in obtaining the "Partner for Innovation" title as well as the "Authorised Distribution" for Texas Instruments products in 1996. Good sale figures and active technical support have proved Contrans TI to be reliable partner for several manufacturers of electronic components. We have obtained the rights to be the distributor or representative for them on the Polish market. In the year 2000 we have created a team of technicians and application engineers, who have helped us in supporting our customers with technical knowledge. The team enabled us to start designing new products on customer demands.

江口县| 仁布县| 酉阳| 罗甸县| 金山区| 驻马店市| 黎平县| 荃湾区| 龙川县| 黄梅县| 鄂伦春自治旗| 栾川县| 和龙市| 东丰县| 伊宁市| 莲花县| 寿阳县| 普格县| 侯马市| 崇左市| 西城区| 绍兴市| 闽清县| 稻城县| 金平| 涿州市| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 武陟县| 田阳县| 康定县| 封丘县| 静安区| 河曲县| 陇西县| 疏勒县| 海淀区| 阳山县| 山阴县| 兴仁县| 长泰县| 甘德县|