

SEGGER Microcontroller develops and distributes hardware and software development tools as well as software components for embedded systems. An "embedded system" is one in which a microprocessor and associated components are incorporated into a device helping to accomplish difficult and complex tasks in products such as cell phones, medical instruments, instrument clusters, measurement instruments, satellite radios, digital cameras etc. SEGGER was founded in 1997, is privately held, has been profitable since its inception, and is growing steadily. Based in Hilden with distributors in all continents and a local office in Massachusetts, SEGGER offers its full product range worldwide. SEGGER software products include: embOS (RTOS), emWin (GUI), emFile (File System), emUSB-Device (USB device stack), emUSB-Host (USB host stack) embOS/IP (TCP/IP stack), emLoad (Bootloader), emLib (Helper Libraries) and emModbus (Modbus stack). With the experience in programming efficiently on embedded systems, SEGGER created highly integrated, cost-effective programming and development tools, such as the Flasher (stand-alone flash programmer) and the industry leading J-Link / J-Trace debug probe.

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