
Elina Micro LTD

In the beginning of 2000, Elina Micro was spun-off from Elina Electronics Ltd. Since then, Elina Micro is the authorized distributor of Microchip Technology Inc. in Israel for Microprocessor devices, microcontrollers,development systems, analog & interface products and secure data device fields. Elina Micro represents other suppliers in the range of RF modules, memories, flash memories & rectifiers. Elina Micro is focused on marketing its products for the growing Hi-Tech industry and provides support to leading companies in Communications, Lan Systems and Security Systems, as well as the Ministry of Deface, Institutes of Higher Education, and the Scientific and Medical fields. Our sister company, Ziontronics, (established in 1987) is one of the largest distributors of electronic components in Israel, maintaining a large and varied stock of active and passive components, Ziontronics shares the same floor as Elina Micro in the greater Hi-Tech zone in Tel-Aviv with almost 700 square meters of inventory space. The Elina Micro Team of 11 consists of highly qualified and dedicated Marketing & Application Engineers, Service & Customer Support, Order Tracking and Logistics. Mr. Zion Siman-Tov, the CEO, has over 40 years of experience in the fields of Distribution, Marketing and Management in the Israeli Hi Tech industry.

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